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Video Assignment: Vote! 

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I completed this assignment before the election took place, and before the election stress really set in. I chose this assignment because I spent a lot of time on it, particularly because voter turnout was so important this year. As a person who is not yet eligible to vote, I felt particularly helpless, because I had no way of contributing directly to the outcome of the election. Because of this, I spent a lot of time doing research and helping to educate my friends and other peers about the candidates in the election and about how to go vote once they know who they want to vote for. I liked doing this assignment because it was a way for me to directly contribute to the election, which I otherwise could not do. 

Written Assignment: Election Stress Disorder

I am personally very passionate about politics and therefore try to keep myself informed about current events. Frankly, I am terrified for this election, because I think that the aftermath of it will be horrifying regardless of who wins. If Joe Biden wins, Trump will undoubtedly claim that the election is somehow inaccurate and, since some of his supporters are notoriously violent, there will likely be nonviolent and violent protests. If Trump wins, there will likely be an outcry as well, and issues such as abortion rights, marriage rights, and more will be put back into question. Either way, I am so anxious about the outcome of this election. Reading about it all the time is so stressful because I am constantly being flooded with information about the consequences of either candidate succeeding and, although I want to remain informed, it has taken a toll on me keeping track and balancing the ethical implications of advocating for someone who is only a slightly better person. I personally am unable to vote this year because I don't turn 18 until December of this year, but I have been encouraging my friends and family members to vote. Regardless, I have been coping by trying to take social media breaks occasionally, and by making sure that I try to stay optimistic about the future after the election is over.  


This assignment was interesting to complete because of the fact that I had not ever heard of Election Stress Disorder prior to completing it. I myself was feeling the anxiety and I knew that a lot of my friends felt the same way, but regardless, I did not know that there was a term for it. I definitely found myself relying on different ways to cope with the stress to avoid being overwhelmed by it, as the election was extremely high-stakes this year, and it was good to read that others experienced similar things, and it was also helpful to read other people's ways of coping. 

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